6 Hidden and Surprising Facts About Fig Trees to Boost Fruiting Succe

– Most fig varieties don’t need another tree for pollination, but some rare types depend on a unique wasp species. –

Figs are Self-Pollinating (Mostly):

– Fig trees need at least 7-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to produce abundant fruit. –

Sunshine is Non-Negotiable:

Regularly trimming your fig tree in winter redirects its energy toward fruit production instead of excess foliage.

Pruning is Key to Fruiting:

For fig trees in containers, pruning roots every 2-3 years stimulates better fruiting and keeps the tree healthy.–

Root Pruning for Potted Trees:

Mild stress, like reduced watering after fruit formation begins, can enhance the sweetness and size of your figs.

Stress-Induced Fruiting:

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